dear Logan (1 month old)

1:04:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Dear Logan,
So much has changed in the last month. You grow so much every day, and I love watching you explore and discover the world around you. There has never been anything in life that has every brought me the happiness that you do every single day.

Here's what you've been up to at 4 weeks:

  • You have begun cooing, including a lot of squeaks and squeals along the way. You love hearing the noises you make, and your eyes light up when I talk to you!
  • You are finally enjoying your swing and bouncy chair... but usually only for about 10 minutes before you get bored. I can't say I blame you. And those 10 minutes have been a lifesaver for keeping my sanity and managing to get things done during the day.
  • Our nights are so much better than just last week. You seem to be getting much better and much less colicky, and I am also learning better and quicker ways to soothe and comfort you. Life is good. You've even managed to sleep for 3-4 hour stretches at night!
  • You're still a champion eater, and sometimes I worry I'm starving you because you always seem so hungry. Luckily you're gaining weight perfectly, so I can't be doing too poorly of a job. I let you eat as often and as long as you want, which has made us all happier and made our house so much more peaceful.
  • Every day you seem to smile and laugh more than the day before. You wake up so happy in the mornings, and this is when we have our best conversations. Your smiles light up my world, and I'm pretty sure I could spend the rest of my life staring at your handsome face. Happy baby = happy Mama :)

I'm so excited to watch you grow into a handsome young man. We have so much to look forward to!

love always,

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