we've gone custom!
I finally broke down and bought a custom domain for this little blog:
I feel so official! Please update your links accordingly. I plan to leave my blog hosted by Blogger, and my old blog address (everydaywaiting.blogspot.com) should lead you to the new custom domain.
I've thought a lot about changing the title of this blog, as it has changed so much since I began in 2009, but it just doesn't make sense to me. The title came from the life I was living in 2009... waiting on Nick to return from a deployment, waiting to start our lives together, and waiting to add a little one to our family. While those things may no longer be true, I still feel like I spend every day of my life waiting on the next big thing. I spent 2011 waiting on Logan to join us, I'm always waiting on the next big career move or change in our lives, and overall I just have a hard time living in the moment day by day. I'm much more of a dreamer... but that's a whole other post :)
So for now the name remains the same. Ironically I'm waiting for the next 2 weeks for Nick to return home from his annual training in Mississippi. As the Army says, hurry up and wait. So true.
I hope you continue to follow!