dear Logan (14 weeks)

Time is flying by. I had to look at a calendar and count the weeks to write this post, and I nearly cried while thinking of how fast and how amazing the last 14 weeks of my life have been. I can't see you or think of you without smiling. I love your father with all of my heart, but you are the one that taught me true happiness. You taught me to slow down and enjoy the little things in life, rather than always wishing for the future and what is to come. You taught me that I don't always have to be perfect, as long as I do everything passionately with my whole heart. I've never been more proud of anything I've done in my life. I look at you and I know we were made for each other. And the fact that one day you might love me the way that I love you melts my heart.
Spending each day with you is the most fun I've ever had. We play and laugh, and share a language that only you and I know. Your smile lights up the room and everything else in the world is forgotten. Every little thing you do amazes me and makes me proud, and I hope you know that I will always be your biggest cheerleader. Nothing compares to the way you look at me, or the feeling I get when you smile at the sound of my voice or when I first enter the room. I vowed to always love your father and keep him first in my life, but you're a really really close second. When I'm with you there's no where else in the world I'd rather be. You are the one and only thing that matters.
You are absolutely incredible. I hope you never stop smiling and exploring the world with the fearless and innocent presence that you have. I hope you always feel the special connection that we share, and I wouldn't mind if you continue to save your best smiles and laughs for me. I promise no one will ever love them more.
love always,