dear Adaleigh (3 days)
My beautiful little girl,
It was love at first sight. From the moment you blessed this world with your tiny, sweet presence, you have melted my heart. You have made me fall in love with being a mom all over again. You are nothing less than perfect in every way, and you have us all wrapped around your little finger.
You are a champion eater! I never thought anyone could compete with Logan's love of eating, but you sure are giving him a run for his money. You love to nurse, and thankfully we've breezed through latching and learning without any problems. I think (and hope!) we'll be doing this for a long time.
I love everything about you, and I'm especially fond of the little squeaks you make to remind us you're still here. It is the softest, sweetest sound to my ears. Most of your squeaks come while you are sleeping, and are often followed by a warm little smile across your face.

Our lives will never be the same. You are so much more than anything I've ever wanted or wished for. You will always have a piece of my heart and a special place in our growing family. My love for you brings tears to my eyes.
Love always & forever,