hello 3rd trimester!
that's right... the third trimester is here! I can't believe how fast the last 7 months have flown by. For so long it felt as if time was standing still, and I still remember every negative pregnancy test I took in the years leading up to our miracle. Now that the countdown is on I'm becoming overwhelmed with everything left to do. I am more than excited, just feeling a little unprepared for what is to come.I'm making an effort to slow down and appreciate the moments that Logan and I have together. It amazes me to just sit and watch him wiggle and squirm under my skin. I know the time I have him all to myself is limited, so I'm trying to enjoy every minute we have together despite the aches and pains that are overwhelming by body right now.
I'm also itching to get our nursery
Last weekend I celebrated my first baby shower, and it was incredible! More than I could have ever hoped for. I have another baby shower scheduled in December with my coworkers. I have never felt more love for myself and Logan.
My appointments are now every 2 weeks, which only makes everything seem all the more real. So far Logan seems to be growing right on schedule, and luckily I haven't quite turned into a house yet. Oh, but I know that time will come!
29 weeks down, 11 left to go!