iPhone weeks 3 & 4: slow down, December!
This month has been such a whirlwind! As I sit here only 3 days before Christmas, I'm amazed at how fast time has flown and how soon our baby boy will be here. Only 36 days left! (and I'm still hoping he comes just a little bit early).
So rewinding a bit, here are weeks 3 & 4 in iPhone pics:
Most of week 3 was spent working, Christmas shopping, and growing a baby (I kid, I kid!). Somehow I still managed to attend a Christmas party with my favorite nurses, a baby shower (my 4th!) thrown by these awesome coworkers of mine (of course I forgot to take pictures), and my first pro hockey game in a fancy suite with the husband thanks to HCA (go Preds!). It was an awesome, exhausting week that I wouldn't have traded for the world.

Reality hit me hard during week 4... Christmas was right around the corner, and I had a baby with no nursery! Nick and I got to work quickly painting the nursery, buying, picking up, and assembling furniture, and getting the room ready for our sweet little boy. There is still decorating and work to be done, but if Logan came tomorrow I would be ready. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I also finished my Christmas shopping, wrapped all of our presents, assembled Nick's stockings (he gets 2 this year!), and washed, folded, and sorted all of Logan's clothes... and still managed to work my usual 50-hr work week. I'm looking forward to slowing down in January and only working 3 12-hr shifts a week! Floor nursing is hard on my 9 month pregnant body.
So there you have it, weeks 3 and 4 in iPhone pics. There is still so much to look forward to in the last week of December!