farmhouse bed: day 2


farmhouse bed: day 2

Day 2 of our farmhouse storage bed project is complete.  We have a freestanding headboard and footboard, and sanding is underway.  We workedContinue Reading >

farmhouse bed: day 1


farmhouse bed: day 1

Let me start by saying that Ana White is amazing. She was my hero long before I learned about Joanna Gaines, and her projects and plansContinue Reading >

dear Logan: then you were 4.

Tomorrow you are 4. I am so incredibly proud of the little gentleman you have become. You take care of me, you lookContinue Reading >

letters: on faith

My sweet little ones, I wrote to you about life lessons, and the most important things I've learned to make it through the toughContinue Reading >




I started 2015 with one goal- run one race each month. One half marathon, one 15k, three 10ks, and seven 5ks later, andContinue Reading >

dear little ones: a week away.

My sweet little ones, I love you so so much, but motherhood is hard. I often dream of some sort of break... aContinue Reading >

dear little ones

dear adaleigh

dear little ones

my little loves, I don't write often anymore because there just aren't words for the way I feel about you. I wake eachContinue Reading >

a few life lessons

My dearest loves, You are so small and innocent now, but I know the world is waiting for you. Not everything in thisContinue Reading >

dear Adaleigh (12 months)

dear adaleigh

dear Adaleigh (12 months)

"Though she be but little, she is fierce!"~William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dreammy sweet girl,It's hard to believe there was ever a time thatContinue Reading >